Feb 23, 2008

Peg is on the up and up . . .

After her heart atack (see January 31 below), Peg is back. She's now able to get around on her own again. She's recuperated much better and faster than the doctors had predicted despite the fact that her heart is only operating at about 30% capacity.

Her heart attack was very stressful to her roommate, Judy, who has since left and will be replaced shortly.

The good news is that Hospice has accepted Peg!

Hospice provides a truly incredible service. The best part is that they offer all kinds of wonderful services - and they come to her! For example, as well as other support, she'll have a nurse aid help her with showers etc., and she'll have a nurse visit her at least once a week for the rest of her life to make sure her medications are what they should be and that she's as well as possible!

I just want to say again how grateful Sali and I are to all of you for loving Peg as you do!


Anonymous said...

From: Frank Fuchs

No, we didnt' know about your heart attack. I am so glad that you are recovering. Your heart is so big and so open to all that it would take a lot to defeat it!
Lucy and Frank

Anonymous said...

From: "Lorraine Krofchok"
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dear, dear Peg: No, I did not know about your heart attack. It is good to know you are home now.

I so appreciate your words because I was so very frightened when I began. I had NO idea how to proceed because Barbara died before we were "organized." They couldn't even find the checkbook for me to pay the bills! Slowly, very slowly I found out what to do. And, after six years, (can you believe that?) I realize that GFP and the people in it ARE the organization.

Some wanted Barbara to "close shop" but she wanted it to continue. I told the people who wanted it to close up that it was an insult to all those who joined and made GFP what it is. Barbara was a wonderful person, but GFP grew because of the people
and still does. Leadership is difficult, but made easier by this very unique organization. I always say I am "taking care" of GFP, never "took over"...

We all face that final day and the hope that those we care about are
waiting for us. It truly is a peaceful thought in these violent times.

And, I love you too Peg, always have from the very first day I met you!


Anonymous said...

From: Kathleen Hannan
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Subject: Love from Kathleen

Hi Peg

How wonderful to recieve this letter from you!!! I feel exactly the same way. I remember you making pasta fresca or pasta frescata in Sue Bouie's kitchen on Cedar Street. I think that was the first or second time we met. And I fell completely in love with your humor, your energy, your grace, your beauty and your commitment to truth. I have always loved you like a mother, a sister and a friend, and I am deeply touched that you would think of me at this time, and write this to me.

I know that I have missed so many of your invitations to be there for your birthdays and for other events, and I apologize for that. I hope that you know that this had nothing to do with how much I love you, only that I travel so much back and forth to Maine to be with my partner that I have less time for travelling to Florida than I would prefer. And your birthday comes just after I return to North Carolina from Maine, and I am always pretty exhausted from that 1000 mile driving trip.

Tom had told me about your heart attack and that you wanted to have some kind of organizing meeting at your house as soon as you came home from the hospital. I am always astonished by your amazing spirit and stamina, and I'm also glad to hear you say you are slowing down some, because even for someone as amazingly energetic as you, I believe it is good thing to slow down sometimes!

I think I may have already sent you the pictures below, but I'm not sure, so I'll send them. These are two of my favorite pictures of myself ever, from an Interfaith Multicultural music service I programmed a couple of years ago, and from an outdoor multicultural festival I programmed that year as well. The Native American woman is named Lynette Jeffries, and she was doing some signs for the song Ancient Green. I was so delighted because it wasn't planned...she just started doing it in the back of the crowd, and I asked her to come front so people could see her.

Peg, you are always in my heart, and always will be.

Thank you so much for this letter, and I hope that I'll make it to Florida before too long so we can be together in person again. Hugs, Kathleen

P.S. My address is in Hillsborough, but it may be different from the one you wrote to. It's . . . .

Anonymous said...

From: Nipponzan Myohoji-Atlanta Dojo

Subject: Sending Love and Good Wishes

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Dear Peg

We did not know that you had a heart attack. Oh my! Someday we will have to face life without Peg McIntire, but thank goodness, not yet! I cannot even imagine it. You are a constant inspiration in our lives. Whenever we are with you, the joy, beauty and love that emanates from you fills the room and our hearts. I am glad to hear you are recuperating well. Please take good care of yourself. Too bad about being limited to one glass of wine ... but make sure you get that one!

You may have heard that my mother had a heart attack on Dec. 25 from which she did not recover and passed away Jan. 17. For me, that was enough. In ten months time I lost my sister-in-law, my father and my mother. Right now, we are doing some work but I am taking more rest because the emotional year has worn me out. So I join you in taking it easy. I wish I had a glass of wine, but I don't. Please have one for me.

We love you lots, Peg. I hope we will be able to see you soon.

Gassho (Palms together)

Anonymous said...

From: Julie Cooper
To: 'Peg McIntire'
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008

Katie is on Synthroid as well. That is awesome that you are doing so well. That is great about Man of War. He was a cool horse. You sound like you are amazing and I am so sorry that you have been through all of this. Keep up the good work………

Luv Jul

From: Peg McIntire

Am doing well - way beyond expectations. Did you know about this incredible Hospice service? A nurse once a week, a nurse aide 3 times a week to shower, shampoo and light housekeeping. A hospital bed, a shower chair, a walker, everything I can possibly use and need. Even meds (if related to a heart condition. Synthroid, for example, is extra.

Tell Katie that what pulled me through (I refused catheterization, and a stent) was reading MAN O WAR. If a horse could do it, why couldn't I?


Anonymous said...

Peg, you are amazing!! We hadn't heard about your heart attack until now, but are sure nothing can keep your generous heart from its work of making the world a better place. Yes, we know of Hospice...it ws there for my mom when she needed it. Those photos are a real trip down the family's memory lane. Keep on getting stronger!! Much Love, Beth (Barnett) and Bill

Anonymous said...

Dear Jo,

Thanks for the update on Peg – sorry to learn that she had a heart attack but she is one feisty lady and so it comes as no surprise that she is doing better than expected – we will surely pray daily that her recovery continues. At your convenience, please send me her address so we can get a card off to her…thanks.

While on her blog spot I clicked on the Pax Christi link (an organization of which I am a member) and much to my shock and horror (and Peg’s I am sure if she learned of it) it went to a page that advertised an “Adult Content Page” with sexually explicit information. I would be most grateful if you or someone connected with Peg would correct this as soon as possible…the correct link for Pax Christi Florida is: http://paxchristiflorida.org.

Many thanks.

Blessings of peace,
Phyllis Turner Jepson


God bless the whole world...no exceptions!

Anonymous said...

Hello Peg.. Hope this finds you well! I have a new Email address to share.... TonyZRX@Bellsouth.net is where to send any info please! Miss you! P.S. If I can be of assistance, or amusement call me at 304-4972, or 460-0371.

Tony Rose

Anonymous said...

Hello Peg.. Hope this finds you well! I have a new Email address to share.... TonyZRX@Bellsouth.net is where to send any info please! Miss you! P.S. If I can be of assistance, or amusement call me at 304-4972, or 460-0371.

Tony Rose